The life of Calvin Coolidge, Jr., son of President Calvin Coolidge, might have been saved…
Mrs. Joshua E. Champlin of 545 Center Street, Salamanca, NY produced Champlin’s famous herbal salve. The ointment was said to be effective in curing blood poisoning and other similar infections.
The July 21, 1924 issue of a local newspaper known as the Republican Press reports that Mrs. Champlin received a telegram from Bascom C. Slempt, secretary to the president, requesting that some of the slave be sent or taken to the White House, as young Calvin was suffering from a serious case of blood poisoning. While preparations were being made for the trip, Mrs. Champlin wired the White House, asking if they boy’s lungs had started to fill up. In reply, she received a telegram that they had.
Mrs. Champlin knew from experience that the boy was beyond help and notified the Secretary that the young man would die before her daughter, Laura, could reach Washington. As she had predicted, the boy died shortly thereafter.
The formula for this slave originated with a German root/herb specialist who worked on the Dudley Champlin farm in the 1800s. It was produced for a number of years by members of the Champlin family.